Saturday, May 3, 2008

japanese beauty

please watch this two bronze statures.
don't you think what beautiful statures those are ?
at right side, gakko-bosatsu. meaning is moon light.

at left side, nikko0bosatsu. meaning is sun light.
they are next to the greatest god for medicine each other.
in japan, the exhivitions are held at the national
musium at ueno.

they usually have "kohai" , meaning is the light,
like left picture.

but this time nothig.
so we can see their backs now.

maybe this show is the first we can see them's.
when i saw them, i lost words. stay at just looking them.
how great they are!!!!!
they were made in 700's AD.  
i admire ancient japanese people for beauty.
i guess as beautiful as Milo-Venus

and i bought the stacker , put on my cell phone.