Monday, July 23, 2007

breath care

i wonder the people that have kissing custom take care of own breath so much.
especial , oral care , for example breath care and teeth care and so on.
i used to see children had the bridge over their teeth on tv in US .
maybe in the countries of having kiss behavior , the oral care is one of the most important things i think. because if their breath are bad smell , when you kiss them your feeling is going to hell. hehehe.

in japan ordinary we have no kiss. so we don't pay attention extremely.
but when i speak to them, there are some with bad smell breath.
recently young generations do take care of breath. their breath is fresh.
bad is older. specially same age as me. hahahahaha
so i want to take care of oral care without saying you are bad breath.

Monday, July 2, 2007


I have been busy for 3 weeks. Why? because I had an another job.

now i have two jobs and am doing them in parallel.

new job is establishing a school for LD or ADHD children.

do you know "LD or ADHD"?

LD is lerning disorder. ADHD is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

have you ever met shuch children?

i didnt know them 5 years ago.

she came to my private school.

when i taught her math, i found that she couldn'd draw a triangle.

she had a normal level intelligence. japanese was good.

but especially math was bad. maybe she was LD.

i didnt know "LD" then, and i thought she was joking and made fun of me.

but she was very serious. i think.

well the times had gone by . and i had a chance to get new job.

it is this job.